Building confidence in tomorrow 

With over 122 million customers worldwide – more than 22 million from Asia – we’re one of the largest financial services providers in the world and a growing player in Asia. ​

Our purpose, ‘We secure your future’, expresses why we exist. It underscores the impact Allianz has on society by taking uncertainty out of the equation and driving change.​

Our group-wide sustainability approach is guided by our global sustainability strategy. This global strategy is built around our two key focus areas: our approach to addressing climate change and our social approach. Across our markets in Asia Pacific, we work on implementing actions to deliver on this group-wide sustainability strategy.​

Our global climate approach revolves around three pillars: Anticipate, Care, and Enable. ​

We anticipate climate risks by integrating climate and sustainability criteria into our insurance and investment business and engaging with companies and clients facing high climate risks. ​

We care for their customers by supporting them in reducing climate-related damage through adaptation and low-carbon developments, while also collaborating to close the protection gap for vulnerable communities. ​

We enable the low-carbon transition by working to achieve net-zero emissions in our operations and strategically investing in low-carbon assets and insuring low-carbon technologies, supporting partners and clients along their net-zero journey.​

Our global social approach is built on the belief that business can only succeed in an equitable society. We aim to be a trusted partner in protecting and growing stakeholders’ assets while creating a positive social impact. ​

We prioritize diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace, focus on customer needs through digitalization and excellent service, balance sustainability targets with financial objectives for investors. ​

We collaborate with civil society and NGOs for positive change and engage with governments and regulators to address societal and economic issues using their expertise in insurance, investments, and finance.​

Diagram showing the stakeholders that Allianz in Asia is addressing with its sustainability strategy: focus on integrating sustainability in the business, the organization and the governance.


We integrate sustainability into our governance and compensation systems. We foster cross-functional and cross-market collaboration on sustainability matters.


We integrate sustainability into our activities as an insurer and investor, for example by managing ESG and climate risks, by seeking opportunities to insure and invest in the transition to a sustainable and net-zero economy, by developing sustainable products, and by decarbonizing our portfolios.                                                     
We integrate sustainability into our organization, for example by reducing our environmental footprint, by ensuring our the we are a diverse and open place to work, by preparing our colleagues with the skills needed for the workplace of tomorrow, and by striving towards the highest standards of data protection and ethics.
We engage our customers, governments, and regulators across the region to join us on this journey. We want to have a positive social impact in the communities where we operate.