135 years of Allianz: Wiser, stronger, and ready to soar
On February 5, 1890 – exactly 135 years ago to this day – Carl Thieme and Wilhelm Finck had Allianz entered into Berlin's Trade Registry to lay the foundation for a bold new company. Amid Germany’s industrial boom, cities were expanding, global trade was flourishing, and society was evolving rapidly. Security emerged as the need of the hour. And so Allianz was born, a company that would meet the demands of the times.
Fast forward 135 years: Our company has grown to be one of the largest financial service providers in the world. With a rich history spanning over a century, and a reputation as a trusted industry leader, Allianz stands as a testament to resilience, innovation, and purpose. Staying the course was never an option. Through pivotal moments in history, Allianz has persevered, reflecting, rebuilding, and evolving, time and time again. This takes courage. This takes commitment. It means holding on to the values that define us while boldly embracing change. And it’s this mindset that still drives us at Allianz today.
Into the archives: A video journey through time